| Marker Tape
An Introduction To Marker TapeThe use of marker tape plays an important role in ensuring the safety of workers and the public in an area that includes dangers that may not be visible at first. Marker tape can inform anyone in the area about areas and boundaries where dangerous tools, toxic substances or open wires may be involved.
If you are interested in implementing marker tape in your workplace, the range of products we offer at the Drainage Shop are certainly worth checking out. From gas or electric marker tape to warning mesh, these products present a clear indication of all dangers included in the site you’re working. Features and Benefits of Marker TapeThe most important feature of marker tape is that it remains as visible as possible when positioned; the bright colours these products come in help ensure this. The bright yellow, blue, red and green marker tape and warning mesh products clearly display in black text the danger associated. These marker tape products are able to effectively warn of danger in dark and foggy conditions and regardless if the marker tape is used on twinwall ducting or and duct access chambers, they can help notify workers on any potential hazards.
The marker tape products we sell are made from a durable plastic material that is designed to resist any potential weather conditions which may reduce their effectiveness. These marker tape products are designed for both internal and external use, like many of the ducting pipes and accessories we offer. The fluorescent colours that marker tape comes in allow it to remain as effective as possible despite the conditions they are being used in. Along with the classic marker tape in various colours available on-site, we offer a range of mesh products providing the same clear message on a larger product. Products such as the electric detectable warning mesh present a larger barrier around a danger on-site, which may be slightly less visible though it presents a more sturdy barrier. Marker Tape at The Drainage Shop
All of the marker tape products mentioned above and more are available to order from the Drainage Shop, including electric, water, gas and foul sewer marker tape. These products come in different colours to help them stand out; the electric and gas tape is yellow, whilst the water tape is blue, and the Sewer marker tape is red. All of these marker tapes can cover 365m when unravelled, and more than one roll could be tied together for larger hazard boundaries.
All of the mesh products on site are 20mm in width and 100m in length, making them much more sturdy boundaries than the marker tape products. They also include more text warnings, including the electric, gas, water and sewer, along with a sewer pumping main and fibre optic cable warning mesh. These products are great for any workplace danger that needs highlighting and, once in place, can remain effective thanks to the durable plastic they are made from.
Check out the great range of marker tape and mesh products available from the Drainage Shop and get these products delivered to your door! |